Recent Notes
Tech - home network
Goolge WiFi, the network provider and the decoder. I have a Google WiFi setup I bought a few years ago. At the time I just plugged it into the box provided to me by the ISP and thought not much more about it. It just worked. As it turns out the network governed by the ISP router could not route to the Google WiFi Mesh. The other direction - from a device in the mesh to a device in the rest of the network routed just fine.
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Tech - seeking information
Seeking information One of the best sources for easy to understand information about programming is Baeldung. I was seeking information about reactor - a reactive framework for Java and under the paragraph “Comparison to Java 8 Streams” - “It still might appear that we have someting synonymous to a Java 8 Stram doing collect. Only we don’t” and then the explanation goes on to explain that Java 8 streams are pull whereas the reactive model is a push model, pushing events to the subscriber as they come in.
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Megatrends Lots of sites and blogs have at some point listed the megatrends they believe in.
Climate crisis. It seems to me that it is actually going to happen. And there will be many consequences. Drought - some megacities are already experiencing lack of water. Starvation - crops are failing. These are just two of many, many negative consequences.
Migration. As huge masses of people experience the implications of the climate crisis they will flee and seek safety.
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